Snus – A Smokeless Tobacco Alternative That Could Help Europe Achieve Its Smoke-Free Ambitions

March 23, 2024

Whether it was a commissioner who resigned over influence scandals, or Swedish tabloids warning of new EU rules, snus has long been a thorn in Brussels’ side. But it is back — this time, ostensibly as a shining example of smokeless tobacco alternatives that could help Europe achieve its “smoke-free” ambitions.Learn more :

Snus is a tobacco product originating from a variant of dry snuff in early 18th-century Sweden. It is placed between the upper lip and gum for extended periods as a form of sublabial administration. It is not fermented and is available in two forms: loose or pre-packed into pouches (snus). The ingredients within snus include tobacco, salt, water, humectants such as glycerin or propylene glycol, and flavoring, which vary between brands and products.

Snus: Tips for Responsible Use and Safety

The use of snus is associated with reduced smoking cessation and lower cigarette consumption in some studies, whereas other studies have found no statistically significant effect. A study [110] using the population-based Swedish Twin Registry found that snus users were more than twice as likely to quit smoking as smokers who had never used snus, and six times as likely to quit if they continued using snus at least six months after cessation.

TCRG research has also identified that snus is significantly less harmful than cigarette smoking and can be used as part of a comprehensive harm reduction strategy. This research is evidence that snus has the potential to deliver the health benefits of a tobacco-free society and that a European Union ban on the sale of snus should be reconsidered in light of this.